Friday, 10 January 2014

A long two weeks

Being ill isn't fun at the best of times. Let alone when you're only eleven months old and can't really say what's wrong. A tough tummy bug meant flat out food refusal. Milk was all that may or may not be accepted.

But after various doctors visits, and different meds, there seems to be an improvement.

The Monkey is still taking probiotic drops (will add a section in links and resources with names and photos soon) and we have also ordered some further probiotics for longterm usage. Hopefully his gut flora can soon be flourishing again and keep him a healthy little thing.

At the height of his tummy bug the only thing he did like eating were these: Mogli Pizza Sticks. Strictly speaking they are probably only from 12+ months, but we were happy for him to munch on anything at all.

organic pizza sticks


The last weighing at the doctors showed that he had lost weight. Only 270grams, but given that the last weighing had been a month prior (and therefor he would have weighed a fair amount more already) it probably added up to a good half kilo. Not good. He is down to the 63rd percentile.

Fattening the baby

Whenever we can we mix some avocado under or add extra baby rice / millet etc under his yoghurt. At the moment we go by: 'anything goes' and he gets what he wants. Luckily we still count some greens to what he does eat.

Mixed berries and yoghurt

On the road to recovery

With the Monkey getting better he is also starting to get his appetite back. What a happy sight! After lots of listless lying around on the floor it is great seeing our veggie baby back to goofing around with his plate.

We made scrambled tofu. Although I had a recipe I just went freestyle with the amounts. I knew he wouldn't eat a whole portion so just made it a rough size: some silken tofu (squeeze the water out as much as you can). Some green asparagus tips (ours were from frozen), a pinch of turmeric (meant to be anti inflammatory), a teeeeny bit of salt, olive oil, and (although this makes an otherwise vegan recipe vegetarian) a dollop of cream cheese. You can add whatever else feels nice: onion, perhaps a little bit of leek...

What a relief when he ate. And eat he did. He messed, he played, it went into his mouth, it got chewed and swallowed.

the veggie baby is BACK!
Let's hope we are now on the road to recovery and can get back to cooking.

We are extending the blog

Having a sick child made us think about lots of things, from food to co-sleeping to general child rearing questions. Plus a few of my friends are currently pregnant with their first child and don't quite know how to start easing into the topic of having a family. They asked for advice on what worked for us and what didn't. And although we are very aware that child rearing is a hugely personal journey,and unsolicited advice is the most annoying thing that comes with having children, if anything we have learned can be helpful then we are happy to share.

So, we may start using this blog to share more of our experiences, more of which products we found useful (from probiotics to good nappy creams), which books we have read (nutrition but also about babies and general tips) and so on.

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