Posted by: Jaime
Towards the end of 2013 I started taking an interest in gut flora and its relationship to general health (mainly due to the fact that my skin has never been great and I want to finally get to the bottom of what is causing it). But when the Monkey got put on a course of antibiotics to clear up what the hospital thought was an infection (it wasn’t, it was a stomach virus), and already knowing antibiotics weren’t great for gut flora, we had to do some extra research to find out how we could help his gut flora recover.
Towards the end of 2013 I started taking an interest in gut flora and its relationship to general health (mainly due to the fact that my skin has never been great and I want to finally get to the bottom of what is causing it). But when the Monkey got put on a course of antibiotics to clear up what the hospital thought was an infection (it wasn’t, it was a stomach virus), and already knowing antibiotics weren’t great for gut flora, we had to do some extra research to find out how we could help his gut flora recover.
Now, I’m really no expert and still learning about the
subject myself, but very basically gut flora is very important for human
health, especially in relation to autoimmune diseases, and antibiotics can have
a serious impact on gut flora and, therefore, a person's health.
Avocado yogurt with extra probiotics |
(To avoid me essentially rewriting information from
people far more in the know than I, there is a whole host of information online
explaining this subject, including here,
and here, with a very recent one here)
So, what to do? Thankfully our good doctor
prescribed some probiotics drops straight away, and we have decided to continue
adding probiotics to the Veggie Baby's diet for the foreseeable future. We are
currently trying ‘Udo`s
Choice Infant`s Blend Microbiotics’, although with the package having only
just arrived we are too early to say if the Veggie Baby will take to this being
added to his juice/milk/yogurt.
In the long term I am hoping to introduce more cultured
and fermented foods into our diet, so we are not supplement dependent. This
is my bible on fermentation and I’m sure that I'll have my head buried in for some
time to come!
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are not signed up to affiliate marketing of any product/site and so all links
are for information purposes only; we receive no financial reward for
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