Sunday, 23 February 2014

Semolina porridge

The veggie toddler is on food strike. Perhaps it is the increasing amount of teeth that seem to be sprouting in his mouth, or perhaps he is getting a cold and can't taste too well. Whatever it is, it is frustrating. Food lands on the floor, gets spit out, gets thrown. Since I feel slightly disheartened that he won't even eat his usually favourite Sweet Potato, Pea, Spinach dish, I will just add a little recipe for my own breakfast porridge. No point posting about lovely food we cooked, only to show you pictures of it on the floor.

Ever since I have traveled to Nepal many many moons ago, before the Annapurna track had roads going through it (so I am told), I have been in love with semolina porridge. It's so simple, quick and yummy.

1 cup milk (almond, soya, rice - your choice)
1/4 cup of coarse semolina
Sweeten to taste with: maple syrup / brown sugar / honey
Optional: handful of: raisings / blueberries / one sliced banana / strawberries (go wild!)

Warm the milk, stir in the semolina until it thickens. If I am adding dried fruit I like to stir in in with the semolina so it softens and warms. If I add fresh fruit I add it at the end, once the semolina has thickened. Add an extra splash of milk if the semolina has set. Sweeten with your choice of sweetness. Enjoy!

Yumy semolina porridge with raisins and maple syrup

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