1 year review
It was time for the one year review and I am happy to say that the Monkey passed with flying colours. Here are the measurments:Head circumference 49cm = 96th centile (wow big head!)
Height 79cm (although he did wriggle a lot, so this might not be 100% accurate) = 89th centile
Weight 10.46kg = 75th centile
Amongst other things – development and milestones
Since we are slowly expanding the blog and won't be writing just about food any more, but also parenting topics, developmental milestones and the likes, I thought I share with you a little bit more where we are at...
Milestones are a hot topic with new parents, and there can be a lot of boasting how amazing one's child is. Some are already walking at nine months (admittedly I have seen one such child), others are (according to their parents) already using enough words to explain quantum physics.
Milestones are a hot topic with new parents, and there can be a lot of boasting how amazing one's child is. Some are already walking at nine months (admittedly I have seen one such child), others are (according to their parents) already using enough words to explain quantum physics.
We all know that every child learns in its own pace. And the child that is walking early may not be too bothered about other things, and vice versa. Our monkey is definitely not a child prodigy, nor particularly fast with any of the developmental milestones. Does it bother us? No. We think he is doing just fine.
What he is doing (amongst others)
• stacking Ikea wooden stacking rings (started this two weeks ago)
• putting lids on things, including lipstick caps (started this at roughly 11.5 months?)
• cruising like no man's business (been doing this for a fair while, without bothering to progress to walking)
• crawls like attempting to break a world record for speediness (he dragged himself for a long long time before starting to properly crawl at 10.5 months or thereabouts)
• feeding himself more or less successfully (by which I mean, only half goes on the floor)
What he doesn't yet do (yet)
• say individual words (in fact he has regressed from mama to daaaaaaaa for everything - but since he has three languages in his environment this is probably not surprising)
• walk (although he has just three days ago attempted his first step, purely by accident, and he does enjoy pushing the high chair through our living room)
• stand freely by himself
• quite understand the very cool Bobby Car he got from his grandparents for his birthday
He loves:
• music and jumping up and down in our arms "dancing"
• "stroking" the cat
• splashing with water no matter how big or small the container
• tactility games and songs like: Wind the bobbin up, Row Row Row the boat
• playing peek a boo – it is still the most entertaining game at this point
• pointing my finger to illustrations in books for me to name them
So you see... Every child is so different. I think what is most important is to enjoy the journey. This first year has already fled by. I am happy we are not wishing it away by wanting our Monkey to do things he isn't ready for.
So you see... Every child is so different. I think what is most important is to enjoy the journey. This first year has already fled by. I am happy we are not wishing it away by wanting our Monkey to do things he isn't ready for.
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