Sunday 20 October 2013

Lentils all the way

Today we're having lentils. Lentils are great - so versatile and full of protein.

The recipe we used for the monkey was taken from Annabel Karmel's New Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner (have a look here).  

We don't want to breach copyright, hence no exact recipe. 
However the ingredients are: onion, celery, vegetable oil, carrot, split red lentil, sweet potato and homemade veggie stock - and it is a quick and easy recipe.

Our veggie baby loves this lovely lentil stew (admittedly we've cooked this before, but we only started our blog now, so we thought we may as well revisit) and kept asking for more - mouth wide open.

Meanwhile we cooked ourselves a nice "Indian red lentil soup" from the 30 Minute Vegan (have a look here). Happy veggies.

Cooked by Jaime, posted by Anna

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