Friday 27 December 2013

Starting the day the night before

... or so it seems, since we had to prep this brekkie in the evening.

Cold fruit porridge

This is actually a breakfast I make for myself with various different fruit and fruit juices. The rolled oats have to be soaked in apple juice (we freshly juiced this for him, what a lucky little baby he is) over night for the fruit porridge to be nice and soft. I grate some apple into it, and add small pieces of soft pear into it. For myself I often use sultanas (or raisins), but banana is also a really nice option. Make it your own by experimenting! For some extra sweetness a tiny splash of maple syrup was added. 

Although we had soaked it over night, our little monkey wasn't too sure about having to still do a fair amount of chewing with those four teeth of his and those gummy gums. Because he has been teething and not eating all that well, we chose the way of least resistance to get the calories into him without too much fuss: add yoghurt and blend. 

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